We are proud to offer our customers the best warranty value in the industry. Auto Services Company, Inc. (ASC) is fully backed by an ‘A’-rated insurance company and is well known for excellent coverage and reliability.
With today’s highly complex vehicles, it just makes good sense to know that you’re protected against expensive mechanical repairs. Even the very best vehicles can develop mechanical problems. However, with ASC Warranty, you’re protected against those major expenses…no matter where you travel in the United States.
Auto Services Company provides the most comprehensive extended coverage for all makes and models of automobiles so that you will be able to enjoy your new purchase and have peace of mind. When the phone rings at ASC, the call is always answered with a live, friendly voice. We have eliminated the frustration of complicated menus or voicemail during normal business hours. It is important to us that our customers always have the ability to speak with someone for answers.